UF. Flowers and repetitions going down the drain.
UF. One of my favourite "busy" images. Lots to look at.
A simple spiral. Looks like the worm, but green. Not very interesting and might be gone.
Fractint, very simple fractal but a nice idea.
A very nice mirror effect
One of my favourite fractal landscapes that is not on 3D.
Nice collection of spirals.
Took ages to render and it has annoying hues that shouldn't be there. I tried to tweak it many years later and it didn't work...
I had never noticed these purple hues.
Dawn in Baghdad - done just after hearing the news on CNN about the Gulf War II.
Another favourite, also sent to NYC for the exhibition.
Inspired by the Bolton Abbey and The Cure.
Needs some fixing, but looks like spores on a microscope with fibers around them.