Ultrafractal galleries are finished!

This is probably the updating part that would take the longest, but it’s finally finished. 17 galleries with 20 images each. The funny part is that the last gallery, the 17th, has 17 images… kind of a fractal repetition issue?

The newly tweaked images done after 2022 will probably have their own galleries, or maybe the tweaks will be added next to their original images. There are many more images to be tweaked. I stopped updating them some time ago because it was becoming tiresome, repetitive and boring.

I’ll leave these Ultrafractal images behind for a while, and I’ll add something fresher to the site first. Some of these old images are from a very bad creative period where I was making images just for the sake of it (it’s explained in some post somewhere here), most of them don’t attract me anymore and probably will be replaced by others or just excluded.

The next step will probably be the JWildfire galleries, and maybe then a link to the fractal animations I did and posted on Youtube. Then the Mandelbulbs… but I’ll take a short break now.