An experiment using Apophysis and UF, was a nice one to make. Maybe I can try to redo this using a JWildfire image.
A mix of some Fractint with UF.
Something I did to use as a CD cover art, not very nice.
Ultrafractal. Probably a tweak of the "Stretching" image.
Ultrafractal. Made of pieces.
Ultrafractal. Not a very deep zoom.
Ultrafractal. Despite looking like a Juliaset, it's not. Or is it?
Ultrafractal. Small one, again.
Ultrafractal. Might have started in Fractint, not sure.
Ultrafractal. I have no idea why the name. Like many others. The thumbnail doesn't show it right.
Ultrafractal. Not really super, just a deep zoom.
Not sure what is exactly leaking.
A tiny bit of blood at the end.
Ultrafractal. A nice spiral collection.