It’s coming…

We’re not dead again. The hosting is slow and stuff but it’s coming. The updates in the Mandelbulb will take a while but they are being prepared. As I’ve said, they’re addictive and when you start tweaking something you can easily lose a couple evenings doing so.

Please don’t expect (this applies to other formats of images made in other softwares as well) nothing like attempts to recreate a certain kind of landscape, an attempt to make certain object in a fractal form or anything like that, or images similar to those posts in fractal groups or artist comunnities that are succesful in terms of viewing and that are using exquisite techniques. Although I like these images (or some of them) my aim is to do what I like, not what others are doing by the thousands. Occasionally some of these images appear – but most of the time I was making something else. There will not be as I’ve said images made with IA or reworked with Photoshop by adding extra stuff. The most I’ll do with an image editor is to add a watermark and a few times some sharpening or noise removal (mostly with MB3D).