Mandelbulb 3d Gallery 6

Mandelbulb 3d Gallery 6
HD Factory
HD Factory
The original image, much better than the MC versions.
Challenge 22-11-2
Challenge 22-11-2
2nd attempt for a challenge on November 22nd.
The final garden
The final garden
Made for a challenge, part of a series of images. This one was the only one submitted to the challenge, I think. It's the only one that deserves a name as well.
Works nicely as a wallpaper.
IFS world
IFS world
A landscape of IFS fractals.
The kitchen is a mess
The kitchen is a mess
A little dark but it looks great as is.
Probably the first attempt at IFS fractals.
Oddly enough it doesn't use the reflections settings in the software.
Empty world
Empty world
She talked about the armies that marched inside her head...
Pink City
Pink City
A pink landscape in the sunset
Green splash
Green splash
Abstract green.
The tip of the ark
The tip of the ark
It's hard to see it, once you do you can't unsee it.
Challenge 18-12
Challenge 18-12
One of the last attempts for a challenge of the year, made for a challenge on December 12th.
Challenge 1-12
Challenge 1-12
Challenge on December 1st.
Fat green
Fat green
Just that.
An old image, but very nice despite its simplicity.
Challenge 18-11-2
Challenge 18-11-2
2nd attempt for a challenge onn November 2nd.
Flower and peaks
Flower and peaks
Abstract flowers
Spirals over field
Spirals over field
A nice landscape with classic spirals. Works great as a wallpaper.
Plastic parts
Plastic parts
Can break anytime soon.
Aqua beams
Aqua beams
Aqua coloured beams, the first version.
It never looks the way I want. Zooming and camera don't work well in this one.
Kinda gothic
Kinda gothic
A bit common, not bad.
Tower boulevard MC
Tower boulevard MC
A render of Tower Boulevard using MC render. Didn't make much difference except for a few extra shadows.
Let there be light
Let there be light
I thought it would be better received when I posted it, but no. Go figure.
Broken table
Broken table
A broken table, unfixable. I did a MC render of this one that looked OK, maybe it's going to be posted as well.