After a long hiatus due to personal reasons, the promised update with the galleries with the Mandelbulb 3D images is coming soon. I’ve finished updating the images (resize, watermark, converting to JPG, etc), and all I need to do is create the galleries.There are 450 (!) new images. Galleries will have about 20 images as usual.
Tag Archives: updates
Back to work after all these issues, without any glitches… so far!
Apparently the worst issues with the server and plugins are “fixed”, I can go back to the update process again. Almost all the galleries of Ultrafractal are done, 14 galleries with all the images uploaded and 10 fully finished, with image descriptions added. I think I figured out why some galleries wouldn’t update, it was because of wrong characters in certain image descriptions. I will tweak the CSS of the galleries later after they’re uploaded, there are some bits that need to be adjusted like the font colours.
I had an idea about the updates: there are some images that I still don’t like after this second filtering I did for publishing the new site, for several reasons. They might be removed from the galleries and probably will be replaced with some of these new images I did in the “tweaking” project.
No rants this time – it doesn’t help. I’ll keep the site in this hosting even though it’s pure shit. I won’t pay a fine for something that is not my fault. If I move later (and I’ll probably do that), at least the pages are already updated.
It’s late but it’s coming
I’m updating the UltraFractal section of the galleries, which will take some time to finish. There are about 450 images to be edited and added to the galleries. I will only start making these galleries after all the images are updated, as I plan to post them in a very random order (maybe date or size), other than just alphabetical. Creating the galleries is probably the easiest and fastest part. These will have slightly more images than the Fractint galleries, to reduce the number of galleries.
Besides these 450 images, I started making something about a year or so ago out of boredom which consisted of tweaking (or remixing) all or most of my old images. I think I probably have a thousand parameter files (I kept most of these I ever made, even those that don’t have an associated image published here). These tweaks sometimes gave me some very nice results with the new images looking much better than their “parents”. Some of these images were impossible to tweak or the changes didn’t make much sense or noticeable differences, so these were left untouched. Which means… maybe there are at least 200 more images – so far – to be edited and published, this if I don’t keep tweaking the other images. The idea is probably to publish these next to the original image.