The first 5 galleries were uploaded tonight. They still need a bit of a tweak, I need to add the tags for all the images that are still missing and make some minor adjustments in the layouts. The total number of images is 450 images (so far!). Each gallery will have around 26 images as a starting point but this can be raised so there isn’t a huge number of galleries. This is the most boring part of the process. All 450 images have been uploaded to the server, but the galleries still need to be constructed and added to their proper group.
Tag Archives: layout
Back to work after all these issues, without any glitches… so far!
Apparently the worst issues with the server and plugins are “fixed”, I can go back to the update process again. Almost all the galleries of Ultrafractal are done, 14 galleries with all the images uploaded and 10 fully finished, with image descriptions added. I think I figured out why some galleries wouldn’t update, it was because of wrong characters in certain image descriptions. I will tweak the CSS of the galleries later after they’re uploaded, there are some bits that need to be adjusted like the font colours.
I had an idea about the updates: there are some images that I still don’t like after this second filtering I did for publishing the new site, for several reasons. They might be removed from the galleries and probably will be replaced with some of these new images I did in the “tweaking” project.
No rants this time – it doesn’t help. I’ll keep the site in this hosting even though it’s pure shit. I won’t pay a fine for something that is not my fault. If I move later (and I’ll probably do that), at least the pages are already updated.
Here we go! Lots of work to do…
The update has finally started. The basic setup for the page is almost finished, now it’s time to concentrate on the main content, the images. It will be a very slow process, there are too many images to edit (resize some, add watermarks to most, rename a few), many things to fix, many new sections to create, the menus for the page need to be organized, etc.
I have finished cleaning up my image archive and I kept just the images that I really like, maybe I deleted 30% of the old ones made with UltraFractal and Fractint, there’s no point in keeping these ugly ones, some are from a bad period as I will talk about later. In the Apophysis gallery there will be some ugly ones, but just as a reference of what was going on back then, that software was just a new discovery and the images were really simple until the new flame fractal softwares appeared with more resources. The first gallery is active as a test, for the Fractint images (better start with stuff from where it all started!). The galleries will have (probably) 12 images each, most images will have about the same dimensions and aspect ratios. The Ultrafractal galleries will have more images, or else there will be too many galleries. Old images are probably still in 4:3 format, new ones may be in 16:9, but there are some that don’t follow these formats. There will be individual pages for each gallery, that will appear in the “master” gallery page for the software used to create them, so maybe these galleries can be even enlarged as they go with extra images to avoid having hundreds of individual galleries (individual galleries also avoid a gallery having hundreds of images…).
I don’t really like the appearance and styles of the gallery plugin I’m using, but… we’ll see if I can customize it in some form. I prefer to have the images in thumbnail formats instead of slideshows or other fancy formats, this way it’s easier for the user to see what he wants to see directly instead of scrolling through a series of images. When you click a thumbnail a larger version of the image appears (duh!) but there is sort of a “camera roll” below the big image that is quite annoying and clumsy, I might try to remove that if possible. It also has links to share images to social media, which I really don’t want to have enabled at all.
Hello again? It’s been a while… but we’re back!
We’re back. We are reworking everything from scratch in Mundo Fractal. The site has moved from the expensive old hosting company (they were OK, but now it’s really expensive) and I decided to not use a backup. Some things may be broken here and there for a while. Images are coming soon, but first you buy the house then you add the furniture.
I might repost some of the old posts with informative texts and links to fractal stuff, if I can retrieve them. The previous version of the site had many broken and old links. I’m now using other fractal softwares and also attempting to make some animations, new kind of content is going to be posted. I’ll filter out the old content and won’t repost everything that was there. Some images seem uninteresting and meaningless to me now. The format used for the images are themed image galleries separated by the software used to create them. Occasional images might appear in individual posts. will still be active as well, I just need to set things up here first then I’ll play with it but basically it will be sort of a mirror of this one if possible.
This new form of editing in blocks isn’t very user-friendly but I’ll get used to it. Everything needs a fine tuning… The theme customization is mostly done. The galleries still needs something but that’s minimal.
I had been posting my images mostly on Facebook on a separate page just for the fractals, but that isn’t the best place for them to be. That page is long gone, so after that I started posting on some fractal groups but it’s not very motivating (I’m not there for the likes anyway but it’s frustrating – more on that later). I find it more useful to have a hosting plan to keep things stored safely (it functions similarly to using a cloud storage). All the images will be gone if somehow my Facebook account disappears. Here they can be slightly safer and most of all some other companies can’t claim they own that content, here it’s all mine forever.
The site will not ask visitors to subscribe or become members. There will be no interactive form of user engagement other than regular viewing of a website. No section of the site will need a subscription to be seen, no personal data will be collected, no password protected sections. There won’t be a store or anything like that. If any visitor wants to contact me (if asking permission to use an image, having questions about fractals, etc.), I’ll provide some form of link somewhere where you can reach me. To avoid excessive spam, posts will likely have comments disabled entirely.